And it stoned me

So, ladies and gents in the peanut gallery, I give you the house in all its dressed-for-work,  scaffolded glory.  I think of it as a sort of architectural version of the good old workman’s fluro.  You’ll see that the neighbour in green is also being reclaimed, as is the one at the end.  In fact the whole terrace is shortly (or lengthily), to be restored to its former splendour.

We’re now into our second week of work and already into costly variations to the project (cue flinging up of hands and rumpled sleep).  But let’s not mention that, nor indeed any of the hounds currently baying at the gate for money.  Let’s instead concentrate of some of the (thus far) lovely secrets the house has been revealing to us.  Such as, for instance a whole swathe of sandstone flags on the basement floor. It is, I tell you, fully sick.

The dining room, for instance, has gone from concrete, comme ca,

to this rather damp and grubby flagged wondrousness:

 Can’t you just hear all those stones exhale?  I can.  Sadly for us though, a small cache of broken bottles was also discovered in the dining room floor.  Almost certainly no more significant than people chucking their empties down the drain a hundred years ago, but the Laws That Be dictate that work must now stop and an archeologist be called in, somewhat expensively and time consumingly.

But wait, there’s more!  The back hall has rendered up its own flags, so we go from this seventies beauteous brownness

to this

Even the laundry wanted to join in and has gone from this

to this

There’s even more but technology, pottery-fatigue and general laziness dictate that it will have to wait for later.  Ron!

15 Responses to “And it stoned me”

  1. Ruth Hope Says:

    How wonderful! I can imagine how excited you must be, envy you the riches you’ve discovered hidden under all that horrible 70s stuff. I’m really enjoying reading your blog, as the story unfolds.

    • Hello Ruth and welcome! Yes, very excited to find those gorgeousnesses. Better than Christmas even. A house further down the road has them intact and they are the most beautiful golden colour when clean. Dreams of Camelot!

  2. Now I am getting excited. Those floors are beautiful.

  3. Fantastic photos! fantastic flags! this is what it is all about shurely?
    am most envious… our discovery of genuine Georgian damp and woodworm pales in comparison to these flags think of the future pitter patter of tiny herbert paws across them,
    so worn with age – you just can’t re-create things like that
    the fireplace is of course spectacular – what’s the plan? will you be removing those brick courses in the chamber or keeping it bread oven styleee?

    • Frank – lovely to see your face (so to whatsits). I was thinking there’d be less need for Herbert pedicures once in the house – those tiny (did you say?) nails will be quite worn down by the stone. And nope, no bread oven – those bricks are coming out as soon as they like. We’ll probably look for some sort of fire, though it’ll have to be gas, ’cause real ain’t allowed. Kiss to R.

  4. Oh my! What a wonderful discovery. Pimpalicious!

  5. penelopebianchi Says:

    I simply cannot feel sorry for you! those exquisite findings!

    This house is like something I loved as a child! “A surprise ball”!

    one unwrapped the crape paper (I think that is what that stretchy stuff was called…and one surprise after another was in there!

    You chose a house with a lovely “soul”!

    How smart of you! You will continue to uncover wonderful riches under all that tack stuff!

    She (I call houses “SHE”) will thank you with great happiness there!

    Just my opinion! And BRAVO!!!


    • Thank you Penelope. I think the house has a good soul too – a very calm one. It’s just been sitting there patiently, waiting. Your crepe package reminds me a game we played at parties as children called ‘pass the parcel’. Much excitement to see what dropped out next.

  6. penelopebianchi Says:

    I meant “tacky” stuff!

  7. The beginning of work is something to celebrate and you have done it with such style — impressive scaffolding that will surely bring crowds to watch progress from the front path, and inside uncovering such treasures (not the bottles but the flagstones). Congratulations.

    • I think the house has to take credit for the style, but thank you and I hope you’ll come and see the treasures as they are uncovered (if there are any more, that is).

  8. You knew that glorious limestone was beneath the 70’s ugliness. Don’t you love it when you are right. Do you have to pay the Archeologists? Your neighbor should be ashamed of himself, you are increasing his property values.

    • Well, I hoped rather than knew, but it was a strong hope. And oh blimey yes, we have to pay just about everyone who walks through the front door! As for the neighbour – he gets worse, sadly.

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